Welcome to the internet website of
Former Obernkirchen Children’s Choir
Dear Former Obernkirchen Children’s Choir, dear friends and guests,
This association has been founded by the former singers of the Obernkirchen Children’s Choir in 2007. The main reason was their recollection of a wonderful, eventful time together as a choir.
The association made it its business to promote choir music in general as well as the preservation of the historic and artistic heritage of the Obernkirchen Children’s Choir. An important concern is to keep alive the remembrance of the choir’s founders Edith Möller and Erna Pielsticker, for example by public slide-shows, lectures or publications.
The association is open for all former singers of the choir. Friends and those interested in the choir are equally welcome. Many friends surely remember the choir’s travels around the world and might want to read and experience one or the other detail, background and context.
Under “obernkirchen48.com” you can find a lot of information of the Obernkirchen Children’s Chor – about the choir that conquered the world. The memories are little journeys through time that take us back to very special moments in life. In the course of time, all important tours and other “lost and found” items and events will be presented here.
In our private forum (on the German side), the former forward to many personal experiences, diary excerpts and photos.
Enjoy yourselves browsing through our web-site!
Society of Former Obernkirchen Children’s Choir members
(Ehemalige Schaumburger Märchensänger e.V.)