Links: Addresses and information

1. Links and addresses of former Obernkirchen Children’s Choir
Residenz Druck – Hartmut and Susanne Rust have built this high-performance Bückeburg copy and print center.
“Achumer Meierhof” – Dielencafe and more – Renate Schütte cordially invites you!
The innovative music school for guitar by Wolfgang Wicklein – guitar lessons for young and old in the center of Bückeburg.
The now active Obernkcirchen Children’s Choir and the music school in the “Edith Möller-Haus”, originally the choir center in Bückeburg Schaumburger.
Further addresses of former Obernkirchen Children’s Choir are welcome.
For the first anniversary party
and for the 13th USA tour 1974
were cute dolls tinkered.

2. Choir friends and more mehr
The Schütte-Chor was founded by alumni in 1974 at the first anniversary festival of the Schaumburg fairy tale singers and received its first notes from Edith Möller
The Schaumburg Youth Choir has existed for over 40 years. His motto: “At home in Bückeburg – on the move around the world.”
Chamber choir Cantemus Bückeburg – This choir also arose from the great love for music that was founded in childhood.It consists of former members of the Obernkirchen Children’s Choir and the Schaumburg youth choir.
Since their first meeting in Llangollen in 1953, the university student choir Purdue Varsity Glee Club from Lafayette, Indiana, has been friends with the first generations of the Obernkirchen Children’s Choir.
Contacts from that time have been maintained to this day.
The choir’s anniversary clip.
The famous Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has been taking place every year for over 70 years.
3. Video and audio clips from the Internet (until 1975)
(Don’t get impatient: Many clips start with advertisements, but most of them can be clicked away after 4 or 5 seconds.)
A cross-section from Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod from 1953, with an excerpt from the BBC recording of “The Happy Wanderer on the Meadow”, and at the end with some pictures of the visit of the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II. (Partly without sound)
More clips from 1953 from Llangollen. Most of them are without sound.
Clip 1 – Clip 2 – Clip 3
Die Streaming-Datei des Films „Neue Deutsche Wochenschau 244/1954“ Bundesarchiv, Bestand Film.
Beim Öffnen des Links sind rechts einige Kapitel bildlich dargestellt.
Der für uns relevante Teil ist in der Mitte der unteren Reihe zu finden.
Einfach dort hinein klicken und der Fröhliche Wanderer erschallt.
Studio recordings of several Möller songs
probably 1957, Hollywood Studios, USA
Three scenes from the Berolina movie “The Happy Wanderer” with Rudolf Schock and the songs: Ach, ich hab in meinem Herzen (Oh, I have in my heart), Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen (Whom God wants to show true favor) and The Happy Wanderer.
We are happy to receive suggestions for further links.

4. Video clips from the Internet (from 1975)
Ach, wie ist’s möglich dann (Oh, how is it possible then) German folk song, recorded around 1990 and accompanied by the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra.
For the inauguration of the replica “Bückeburg Castle” in 1992 in Japan. O Täler weit o Höhen (O valleys far o heights) by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.

11. April 1954 London:
Live recording from the Royal Festival Hall.
The first shellac record
with the “Happy Wanderer”
5. “Happy Wanderer” over the years
On this audio clip, The Happy Wanderer, the new edition of the first Parlophone record recording, is played. However, this digitization is less crackling. (Clip without pictures)
an English version is still missing
New recordings in 1972 under Edith Möller:
The Happy Wanderer with orchestra. (no picture)
The Happy Wanderer
1995, on an unknown television show
The Happy Wanderer – 2012, Musikantenstadl (TV-Show)

For 28 weeks, from January to July 1954, the hit was sung in German in the English charts: In April, during the choir’s England concert tour, on place 2.
Illustrations from
“The Book of Singles Top 20 Charts”